Noleggio auto Aeroporto Bergerac Roumanièrs
Il cuore pulsante della Francia
Arriva in aereo, ritira un’auto presso la nostra stazione di noleggio e sarai pronto per goderti il meglio della Francia in una delle sue regioni più suggestive.

Your car hire services at Bergerac Airport and beyond
Prodotti e servizi Avis
Approfitta dei vantaggi offerti dal nostro programma fedeltà Avis Preferred, che includono voucher e upgrade di categoria gratuiti.
Forniamo inoltre seggiolini per bambini su richiesta (ricorda che in Francia i bambini di età inferiore ai 10 anni devono viaggiare sul sedile posteriore su un apposito seggiolino). Se sei in vacanza con la tua famiglia e dovessi necessitare di questo servizio, ti basterà comunicarcelo al momento della prenotazione.
Il tuo viaggio prosegue
L’aeroporto è servito da voli provenienti da svariati aeroporti britannici inclusi Londra Stansted, Liverpool, Bristol, Southampton, Exeter, Birmingham, Edimburgo e Leeds Bradford.
Una volta ritirata la tua auto a noleggio, percorrendo appena 3 km circa sulla strada N21, che attraversa l’aeroporto sul lato settentrionale e occidentale, potrai raggiungere la pittoresca cittadina di Bergerac.
Situata nella regione dell’Aquitania, ai margini occidentali del dipartimento della Dordogna, questa città è una delle destinazioni francesi più rinomate tra i visitatori europei. È anche un pratico punto di partenza per escursioni nel Périgord e nel dipartimento di Lot e Garonna.
La città celebra i piaceri della vita in maniera trionfale, con i musei del vino e del tabacco, e le vaste vigne circostanti.
Concediti una passeggiata nel centro storico caratterizzato dalle antiche case in legno, fino al "vieux port", da cui partire per le escursioni sulla Dordogna. Qui troverai inoltre una statua dedicata a Cyrano de Bergerac e al suo lunghissimo naso.
Non dimenticare di fare una visita anche all’Arboretum de Podestat, a nord della città. Considerato un vero e proprio paradiso per gli amanti della natura, l’arboreto apre su appuntamento e l’ingresso è gratuito.
Tra le città vicine troviamo Bordeaux (distante 85 km tramite l’autostrada A89), Périgueux (50 km), Sarlat (70 km) e Agen (90 km).
What to do in Bergerac
The airport is served by flights from a number of UK airports including London Stansted, Liverpool, Bristol, Southampton, Exeter, Birmingham, Edinburgh and Leeds Bradford.
Once you’ve picked up your hire car, it’s just a short trip (3 km approx.) to the quaint market town of Bergerac via the N21 road which passes the airport on its north and west sides.
The town is situated in the Aquitaine region, at the western edge of the Dordogne département, one of the most popular destinations in France for UK visitors. It’s also a handy starting-off point for trips to the Périgord and Lot et Garonne.
As a town it celebrates the finer things in life in a major way, with its wine and tobacco museums and the vast surrounding vineyards.
Enjoy a stroll through the old town with its old timbered houses and down to the vieux port for trips on the Dordogne river. You won’t be surprised to see that there’s also a statue of Cyrano de Bergerac, complete with a very large nose.
Don’t forget the Arboretum de Podestat to the north of the town. A haven for nature lovers, the arboretum is open by appointment and admission is free.
Other towns within easy reach include Bordeaux (85 km via the A89 motorway), Périgueux (50 km), Sarlat (70 km) and Agen (90 km).
Where to go from Bergerac Airport
Pick up your hire car in Bergerac Airport and take to the open road with ease. From the airport it’s just a short drive into the rolling green hills of the Dordogne.
Located in the southwestern region of France, this beautiful area feels like it was made especially for road trips. Drive through quaint stone villages that are nestled in the folds of this quintessentially French countryside, past medieval castles and through valleys speckled with vineyards.
For local culture and culinary traditions, head northeast to the ancient cities of Tulle and Clermont-Ferrand, or travel west towards Bordeaux. You can stretch your trip out further and keep going until you reach the beaches of the Atlantic coast, or circle back on yourself to visit the prehistoric drawings in the caves of Lascaux.
Renting a car with Avis at Bergerac Airport is fast and easy, meaning you can spend more time enjoying this picture-perfect region from the comfort of your chosen vehicle. Choose our one-way car hire option to give you the freedom you need to get the most out of your road trip.
Driving Rules in France
Which side of the road?
In France, please drive on the right side of the road.
Country driving laws
- Mobile phones may only be used with a hands-free device. Do not use headphones or earpieces
- Bus lanes are reserved exclusively for buses, taxis and bicycles
- In towns and rural areas, on minor roads and where there is no clear indication of right of way, it may be prudent to give way to traffic coming from the right (“priorité a droite”)
- It is recommended that drivers use dipped headlights at all times
Speed limits
All speed signs will be in km/h.
For a standard Avis rental vehicle with no trailer:
- Urban areas: 50 km/h (31 mph)
- 4-lane expressways (rural areas): 110 km/h (68 mph)
- Rural areas: 90 km/h (55 mph)
- Motorways: 130 km/h (80 mph)
Unless indicated by road signs.
Be aware of changes to speed limits displayed on road signs due to adverse weather conditions
Child safety / Seatbelt laws
- It is compulsory for the driver and all passengers to wear a seatbelt
- Children weighing up to 9 kg must travel in a rear-facing car seat, in the back of the car only
- Children aged under 10 and weighing less than 36kg must be seated in appropriate child restraint
Please note - It is the child’s parent / guardian or vehicle renter’s responsibility to fit the child seat.
This road rules information is for provided for general guidance only. We endeavour to keep the information up to date and accurate, but any reliance you place on this information is at your own risk.